Saturday, November 15, 2008

Surgery...A blessing?

Preop ( wont turn:( !)

Micah decide Wednesday Night to go play ball with his Bro's and Al's Friends. While going up for a LayUp, He went up and his ankle stayed down under Gleb's foot(Al's BF). Need less to say his weakness is his a-Kill-ease heal. I have no idea how to spell it and Micah is finally sleeping and I don't want to wake him. But back on the subject. I get a call at work wondering what DMBA will cover as far as what hospital he could go to. I called my mom lnlaw back and he need surgery to reattach it.
So this morning at 11:15 am he went under. It went very well. He recovered from being under very well. He is a pro on the creches. Hasn't felt any pain yet, But it might be along night.
Recovery is 6 long months. He gets a "Boot" on in 2 weeks. Pray for him.

Oh and now that he's going to be down may be he is colon will heal.

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